Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Basic Ingrediants

UPDATE: We may not post this or the following week because:

a. We will not have time in class to work on it

b. We will be on a class trip from the next Monday on

All of you probably know the ingrediants of your favorite food, right? So do you know the ingrediants of your favorite INDIAN food? Well, if you don't, here are some basic ingrediants from basic Indian foods.

Bajra: Pearl millet, a type of millet (a millet is a grain). India is currently the largest producer of pearl millet. Roti, which is made from pearl millet, is most farmer's primary food.

Rice: A tyical basic for any type of meal, whether it's dinner, breakfast, or lunch.

Atta: Whole wheat flour

Pulses: Pulses resemble snap peas, with 1-12 different seeds with a variety of different shapes and colors. The word "pulse" is reserved for dry seed only. These pulses could be kidney beans, lima beans, pinto bean, red lentils, a black gram, ect.

Many Indian dishes or curries have oils, such as peanut oil (used mostly in Northern and Western India) and mustard oil (used mostly in Eastern India).

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